Thursday, November 28, 2013



Saturday, November 23, 2013

Photo Feature on UK's, OGA!

There are few websites I have bookmarked and visit daily and wouldn't miss it:

* FecalFace (SanFrancisco)
* Findrangers Camera Club (SanFrancisco)
* OGA (One Giant Arm), UK.

Big thanks to you all for liking and showing my work!

Today's feature on OGA: Slugfest

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


As most of you already know, last month on October 4th I was in my first out of the country film photography show titled STUPEFY in Bristol, UK. I wish I could have been there in person but was so excited to see my work alongside 80+ other amazing photographers worldwide. The photographers photos were also put into a rad little zine.

Well, to top it all off. I discovered that my "Invasion of Privacy" was selected to be apart of the second STUPEFY exhibit that was held on November 8, 2013 in Gdansk, Poland at a beautiful little cafe called Cafe' Lamus. That just blew me away! It was a real pleasure to be apart. Thank you so much OGA! I have to say, my doggie Wolfgang in the photo just passed away six months ago from cancer, so it's been neat to see him traveling around the world. :)


Photo Credits below: Krzysztof Chaos-Olechnowicz
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STUPEFY UK PHOTOS…(when you get to the link, scroll down a bit until you hit Stupefy)


Monday, November 18, 2013

Hold Me Closer Tony Danza?

I know it's mid-November, but must post these Halloween photos of my one year old puppy.
Luna seemed to enjoy her mini photoshoot as Batgirl. Especially the fact that toothsome snacks were involved. She actually looked like a flying nun.
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This also marks the first Halloween without my Wolfgang (RIP). He loved Halloween. Miss you so much buddy.
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Yoda 10/12

Saturday, November 16, 2013

We can't stop here, this is bat country!

Caught up with Hunter S. Thompson this last Halloween. Took a couple snapshots and chilled for a bit downtown. Fun times.

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FujiFilm Superia X-TRA 400.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Overabundance of Inspiration > Time = Damn!

Eight months ago I had a rad idea for a new series involving collage and painting with things I love (geometric shapes and designs, skateboarding, kittehs, rhymes, street art, flowers, VOUGE fashion, antique frames). I had to put it on hold, only to be motivated again to do another series after that!
So many inspirations in the sketchbook, so little time. I really hope to get busy this winter so I can have something fresh for Springtime. My art series always seem to overlap one another and my tastes so eclectic. Who knows what the end result will be. We shall see.