pockets; they develop hooks in weird places. Sweetness
suddenly emerges out of fuzzy slime, and startling emotions
rise from merely cool ones." -Jake Green/NY Times
Our very own James Pants has just released his self-titled
third album on Stones Throw and has a NY Times review
will not be disappointed and if you experience him live, that's
the icing on the cake!
We were lucky to have James headline the music @ Spokane's
Terrain 2010... our 3rd annual Art Exhibition that featured 64
northwest artists and live music. 4,800 people attended the exhibit.
You can see my write-up, photos, and video on the event here:
We were also spoiled to have him bring in the New Year, where
it was another packed house @ the A-Club before his moving abroad.
We are especially proud.
So, contrary to popular belief... great things do come out of Spokane!