Tuesday, December 4, 2012

TOP 17 IN 10

This week I've been thinking about how powerful music is and how certain albums can reach out, grab you, turn you upside down, and shake the change out of your pockets. In other words have an impact on us or set as a memorial...marking a specific time period in our lives. Growing up as a young person, I was exposed to a broad genre of music and developed a real love for many different bands. I'm so grateful for that because I could never see myself identifying with only one style. With that said, I thought I'd make a list of not just the albums that have had an impact on myself and my artwork, but albums that I loved each and every song on and literally drove them into the ground listening to them. Currently, Aesop Rock's Skelethon has been on repeat! I decided to do a top 10 from the past 10 years, but quickly realized it was more like top 17. Good stuff. What are yours!?
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Arcade Fire/Suburbs
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Beach House/Teen Dream
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Freetime Synthetic/LP Mixes
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