Vertigo #4
So yesterday evening my daughter babysat a little 5 year
old boy at our house. When his Mom dropped him off,
he came inside "scrolling his eyes" intently across our very
colorful, art-filled living room. He walks over to a piece I
have propped up against the wall and stands there staring
at it for about 30 seconds. Suddenly he shrieks in staccato
format, "WOAH!...That. Is. So. A.ma.zing! (as he lifts both of
his hands into the air with mouth wide open).
"Why, thank you!", I said.
The praise and compliment of this innocent five year old
melted my heart. In my mind I thought, "Children are true
art critics!". There are no preconceived ideas or notions, no
degrees, no biased opinions, they either like it or they don't!
There's a simplicity and pureness about a child that we as
adults can lose over time.
No wonder Picasso said, "Every child is an artist, the problem
is how to remain an artist once we grow up."
I'm thinking I should ask him to name of of my pieces sometime...